Velovervejede rekonstruktioner af de velklædte vikinger: Thoughts on reconstructing textiles and clothing from the Viking Age

Charlotte Rimstad, Ulla Mannering, Eva Anderson Strand, Ida Demant

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


In the project Fashioning the Viking Age,reconstructions of both Viking Age textilesand whole outfits were produced. Theproject was carried out by researchersfrom the National Museum of Denmark,Centre for Textile Research at Universityof Copenhagen and Land of Legends inLejre. The reconstructions were based ontextiles from Hedeby in North Germany,as well as two famous Danish VikingAge burials, Bjerringhøj and Hvilehøj,both located in mid-Jutland. These twograves contain some of the most well-preserved fragments of textiles, leather,and fur from the period. This articlediscusses the considerations, problemsand solutions, which had to be addressedwhen reconstructing garments, based onfragmented material
Original languageDanish
JournalArkæologisk Forum
Pages (from-to)4-17
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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