Unlocking sustainable cultural heritage preservation

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review


Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK) exemplifies a commitment to sustainability across various facets of cultural heritage preservation. In this abstract, we present a case study focusing on SMK's approaches to integrating sustainability principles into conservation practices.
At SMK’s Department of Conservation and Scientific Research (BENA), sustainability is embedded in every aspect of its work. By prioritizing preservation, maintenance, and responsible resource management over mass production and disposal, BENA demonstrates a holistic approach to sustainable cultural heritage stewardship.
The ongoing transition to the adoption of eco-friendly materials and practices is a cornerstone of BENA's sustainability efforts. For instance, participation in initiatives such as the "MOXY Project" underscores BENA's dedication to developing greener preservation methods, such as utilizing 'atomic oxygen' for cleaning cultural artifacts, thus minimizing environmental impact while ensuring the longevity of heritage objects.
Furthermore, BENA actively participates in collaborative initiatives like the "Museums' Green Academy" facilitated by the Association of Danish Museums (ODM). Through projects like "Getting Climate Control Under Control," organized by Ki Futures, BENA engages in reducing operational costs and carbon footprint by regulating indoor climate and exploring energy-efficient solutions.
SMK's commitment to adopting sustainable practices is especially reflected in the choice of moving part of its collection to a low-energy warehouse, built using the so-called Danish model. Denmark is a global leader in energy-efficient building design. The Danish building code enforces strict energy performance standards, ensuring that new buildings are highly insulated, airtight, and equipped with efficient heating, cooling, and ventilation systems.
Innovative solutions extend to courier tasks, where SMK explores alternatives to traditional courier travel. The introduction of virtual courier systems presents a promising avenue for reducing carbon emissions associated with transportation while ensuring the safe handling and transit of valuable artworks.
Navigating the delicate balance between heritage preservation and environmental conservation presents ongoing challenges. Yet, SMK remains steadfast in its pursuit of a sustainable equilibrium, continuously evaluating and refining its practices to align with broader sustainability goals.
SMK emerges as a frontrunner of sustainable cultural heritage preservation and aims to inspire museums worldwide to adopt environmentally responsible practices in their conservation endeavors.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date7 Jul 2024
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2024
EventGordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural
Heritage Research
- Les Diablerets Conference Center, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Duration: 7 Jul 202412 Jul 2024


ConferenceGordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural
Heritage Research
LocationLes Diablerets Conference Center
CityLes Diablerets
Internet address

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