Preservation of Metadata: A case study of a strategy to ensure technology agnostic metadata preservation

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


This paper focuses on strategies for preservation of metadata; one of the major topics in the creation of a new digital preservation strategy for the merged Royal Danish Library. Preservation of metadata is important to ensure preservation of all relevant information in order to be able to access digital objects in the future. This includes all kinds of metadata, which contributes to the understanding of an object, e.g. preservation metadata as well as descriptive metadata. The need for metadata is commonly accepted, but it is not as commonly accepted that metadata need to be preserved to the same extent as files. There are many challenges due to the fact that metadata are often updated. This is probably one of the reasons why there exist numerous examples of metadata being under backup only and not under bit preservation. Preservation of metadata is not just needed for future access of the objects, but also for re-establishment of repository systems after major breakdowns – or for establishment of a new repository as part of an exit strategy from a previous system. The latter case may also mean that the metadata have to be structured in a way, which can be used by different systems supporting digital preservation. This paper describes how the newly merged Royal Danish Library has created a digital preservation strategy to cope with these challenges, and discuss the background for choices made in this process.
Translated title of the contributionBevaring af metadata: Et case studie om strategi for at sikre teknologiuafhængig metadata bevaring
Original languageEnglish
Publication date19 Sept 2019
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 19 Sept 2019
EventThe 16th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 16 Sept 201920 Sept 2019
Conference number: 16th


ConferenceThe 16th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects
Internet address


  • Metadata
  • Preservation level
  • Data model
  • Strategy
  • Policy
  • Exit strategy

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