Contemporary Art from Denmark: Danish art - a New Golden Age?

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterCommunication


    Danish contemporary art is currently expanding bot quantitatively and qualitatively to such a degree that we can speak of a new Danish Golden Age. The article introduces some of the most interesting, Danish contemporary artists which are being exposed at the exhibition in the European Central Bank i cooperation with Danmarks Nationalbank 20 March to 13 Junie 2014. The artists are: Kathrine Ærtebjerg, Peter Linde Busk, Eva Steen Christensen, Olafur Eliasson, Elmgreen & Dragset, Joakim Eskildsen, Astrid Kruse Jensen, Adam Jeppesen, Christoffer Joergensen, A Kassen, John Kørner, Marie Søndergaard Lolk, Kirstine Roepstorff, Christian Schmidt-Rasmussen, Michael Schultz, Trine Søndergaard and Anna Fro Vodder.
    Original languageDanish
    Title of host publicationEuropean Central Bank
    EditorsBritta von Campenhausen
    Number of pages3
    Place of PublicationLuxembourg
    Publication date14 Mar 2014
    ISBN (Print)978-92-899-1160-3
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Mar 2014

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