Project Details
MarinePlastic is an interdisciplinary center for cutting-edge research into marine plastic pollution, led by Jes Vollertsen, Aalbog University uniting Danish researchers across institutions (Aalborg University, Århus University, Danish Technical University, Roskilde University and National Museum of Denmark) and disciplinary expertise. The Center will develop scientifically based understanding of the types, sources, occurrence, fate and environmental consequences of marine pollution caused by all sizes of plastic materials ranging from macro- to nanoplastics, and bring this knowledge into use by proposing societal solutions and interacting with policymakers.
The National Museum of Denmark is active in WP3 that aims to qualify and quantify the sources, magnitude and distribution of plastic pollution in Danish waters and WP4 that identifies those environmental conditions most likely to accelerate and slow the degradation of macroplastic to microplastics.
The National Museum of Denmark is active in WP3 that aims to qualify and quantify the sources, magnitude and distribution of plastic pollution in Danish waters and WP4 that identifies those environmental conditions most likely to accelerate and slow the degradation of macroplastic to microplastics.
Acronym | MarinePlastic |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 01/02/2019 → 31/01/2023 |
- Velux FuEnvironmental program: €82,201.00
- Velux FuEnvironmental program: €614,285.00
- plastic pollution
- marine pollution
- litter
- degradation
- microplastics
- nanoplastics