Project Details
En sammenfattende redegørelse for den rituelle og monumentale iscenesættelse af kongelig begravelseskultur og erindringspolitik i tidsrummet o. 1350-1600, vurderet som bidrag til epokens politiske og religiøse kultur og perspektiveret i forhold til den samtidige europæiske udvikling, bl.a. for at fastslå kontinuitets- eller nybrudstendenser.
"Kongebegravelsernes ideologi og kultur. Problemer og perspektiver" (Royal Burials, their Ideology and Culture: Some Problems and Perspectives) , in: Döden som katharsis. Nordiska perspektiv på dödens kultur- och mentalitetshistoria, ed. Yvonne Werner, Stockholm 2004, 89-121 (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm Studies in History 71).
"Genealogical Representation in Gendered Perspective: The Funeral Complex of Queen Christine at Odense", in: Care for the Here and the Hereafter. The Function of Art in the Medieval Commemoration of the Dead, ed. Truus van Bueren, Utrecht 2005, 79-105.
"Ritual and Representational Aspects of the Royal Funeral Ceremonial in Early Modern Denmark", in: Tod und Trauer. Todeswahrnehmung und Trauerriten in Nordeuropa, eds. Thomas Riis and Torsten Fischer, Kiel 2006, 56-76.
"The Polish Paradigm: On the Heraldic Funeral of King Frederick II of Denmark and its European Context", in: On the Opposite Sides of the Baltic Sea. Relations between Scandinavian and Central European Countries, ed. Jan Harasimowicz, Piotr Oszczanowski, Marcin Wislocki, Wroclaw 2006, 555-68.
"Køn, magt og minde. Omkring den rituelle og monumentale iscenesættelse af senmiddelalderens dronningebegravelser" (Gender, Power and Commemoration. On the Funeral Culture of Danish Queens during the Late Middle Ages), in: Konge, kirke og samfund. De to øvrighedsmagter i dansk senmiddelalder, red. Agnes S. Arnórsdottir, Per Ingesman og Bjørn Poulsen, Aarhus 2007, 179-218.
"Royal Death in Early Modern Scandinavia: Ritual Discourses between Conflict, Competition, and Consensus", in: Mémoire monarchique et la construction de l'Europe. Papers from an International Conference in Cracow, October 2007 (under publication).
"Kongebegravelsernes ideologi og kultur. Problemer og perspektiver" (Royal Burials, their Ideology and Culture: Some Problems and Perspectives) , in: Döden som katharsis. Nordiska perspektiv på dödens kultur- och mentalitetshistoria, ed. Yvonne Werner, Stockholm 2004, 89-121 (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm Studies in History 71).
"Genealogical Representation in Gendered Perspective: The Funeral Complex of Queen Christine at Odense", in: Care for the Here and the Hereafter. The Function of Art in the Medieval Commemoration of the Dead, ed. Truus van Bueren, Utrecht 2005, 79-105.
"Ritual and Representational Aspects of the Royal Funeral Ceremonial in Early Modern Denmark", in: Tod und Trauer. Todeswahrnehmung und Trauerriten in Nordeuropa, eds. Thomas Riis and Torsten Fischer, Kiel 2006, 56-76.
"The Polish Paradigm: On the Heraldic Funeral of King Frederick II of Denmark and its European Context", in: On the Opposite Sides of the Baltic Sea. Relations between Scandinavian and Central European Countries, ed. Jan Harasimowicz, Piotr Oszczanowski, Marcin Wislocki, Wroclaw 2006, 555-68.
"Køn, magt og minde. Omkring den rituelle og monumentale iscenesættelse af senmiddelalderens dronningebegravelser" (Gender, Power and Commemoration. On the Funeral Culture of Danish Queens during the Late Middle Ages), in: Konge, kirke og samfund. De to øvrighedsmagter i dansk senmiddelalder, red. Agnes S. Arnórsdottir, Per Ingesman og Bjørn Poulsen, Aarhus 2007, 179-218.
"Royal Death in Early Modern Scandinavia: Ritual Discourses between Conflict, Competition, and Consensus", in: Mémoire monarchique et la construction de l'Europe. Papers from an International Conference in Cracow, October 2007 (under publication).
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 01/06/2003 → 31/12/2008 |