Michael Nobel Hviid

Michael Nobel Hviid

Ph.d., Cand.mag.

  • Haderslevvej 45

    6200 Aabenraa



Research activity per year

Personal profile

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, "Mett hals, handt och ald andenn herlighedt och rettighedt". Legal interaction between the noble landlords and their peasants in Hvetbo herred i the 1630s, Aarhus Universitet

Sept 2011Jun 2015

Award Date: 3 Jun 2016

Marster of Arts in History and Religious Studies, Aarhus Universitet

Award Date: 30 Apr 2013

External positions

Museumsinspektør, Museet på Koldinghus

1 Aug 201731 Dec 2020

Editor, research assistant, Aarhus Universitet

May 2016Jun 2017

Academic secretary, Dansk Center for Herregårdsforskning

Feb 2016Jun 2016

Part-time lecturer, Aarhus Universitet

Sept 2015Jan 2016

PhD Student, Aarhus Universitet

Sept 2011Jun 2015


  • Trolddomskunst (Folketro 39.3; Okkultisme 14.1)
  • Socialhistorie 30.11 (Enkelte lande 30.2)
  • Reformationen 27.16 (Danmark 27.62; Teologisk litteratur skrevet før 1550 20.8)

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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