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Fra Bartolommeo. Het streven naar grootsheid. The Pursuit of Magnificence
01/11/2015 → 15/10/2016
Project: Research
Fra Bartolommeo’s Virgin Adoring the Child with St. Joseph. New evidence on its Creation and Origins
Fischer, C., Wivel, M. & Billinge, R.
01/09/2015 → 01/10/2016
Project: Research
Fra Bartolommeo della Porta detto Fra Bartolomeo, Adorazione del Bambino, National Gallery, London
Fischer, C., Padovani, S. & D-Albo, O.
14/10/2014 → 20/10/2014
Project: Research
Pop-up udstilling af Romerske tegninger i KKS Statens Museum for Kunst 12. marts 2014.
12/03/2014 → 12/03/2014
Project: Research
Nicolai Abildgaard som kunstsamler
Svenningsen, J. (Project participant) & Fischer, C. (Project participant)
03/09/2010 → 12/09/2013
Project: Research
Roman Drawings
Fischer, C., Fischer Pace, U. V., Heinet Knudsen, J. & Kjærboe, J.
01/06/2003 → 01/03/2013
Project: Research