Andreas Lenander Ægidius

Andreas Lenander Ægidius

PhD, Research Librarian

  • Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1

    1221 København K



Research activity per year

Personal profile


At the Royal Danish Library, I work with our collections of digital music and audio. This includes music released online, e.g. in streaming services and podcasts. The collections consist of audio files, video files, image files, and metadata files. Providing datasets for research use is another important task that requires optimal workflows and outreach work in order to best provide researchers access to the Royal Danish Library's collections.

In a research project supported by the Ministry of Culture's research committee, I have analyzed the collection of Danish streaming at the Kgl. Library with a focus on the content of the services and their user interfaces.

I have several years of experience as a teacher in media production of web and interactive media at university level. At the Royal Danish Library, I also works a project manager and as a product owner. I know what it means to identify requirements and translate requirements specifications into measurable goals in an iterative process involving several stakeholder groups.

I am a Ph.D. in media studies from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) with a thesis on the handling of music files at the crossroads between download and streaming (2017). I started from media theory, cultural studies and humanistic software theory and qualified the study with 30 qualitative interviews with young listeners, professional musicians and distributors from e.g. Spotify and TDC Play. Most recently, I have published research on the remediation of radio for streaming services and initially investigated the collection of DRTV in an overview article for media researchers. In addition, I have prepared an extensive analysis of KB's entire collection of digital cultural heritage and am now contributing to preparing KB's strategy for collecting digital cultural heritage. This work has given me a detailed insight into KB's collection practices and contact with stakeholders across KB as well as external stakeholders in the Danish publishing industry.


  • Medieforskning 07.07
  • Informationsteknologi 19.6 1 (Elektronisk kommunikationsteknik 62.38; Medier 07)
  • Massemedier 07
  • Webdesign 19.63 (Software 19.633)
  • Musik 78

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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