Projects per year
- 125 - 150 out of 263 results
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At Krydse Grænser
Pedersen, E. D. L. F. (Project participant)
01/01/2017 → 26/11/2017
Project: Research
Europeana Impact Framework
Sanderhoff, M. (Project participant)
01/01/2017 → 01/01/2019
Project: Research
Danske guldaldertegninger
Lederballe, T. (Project participant)
01/01/2017 → 31/07/2023
Project: Research
Udgivelse af Martinus Rørbyes rejsedagbøger
Svenningsen, J. (Project participant)
01/01/2017 → 12/04/2020
Project: Research
Laurits Andersen Ring
Nørgaard Larsen, P. (Project participant)
01/11/2016 → 31/12/2019
Project: Research
Fra Bartolommeo – Influence and Influences
Fischer, C. (Project participant)
15/10/2016 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research
Undersøgelser af et værk tilskrevet Carl Bloch
Ludvigsen, L. (PI)
13/10/2016 → 22/12/2016
Project: Consultancy
Imaging Inwardness - Intimate Aesthetic in Northern Renaissance paintings
Tindbæk, R. (Project participant)
01/09/2016 → 01/09/2019
Project: Research
Eksperimentalfilm genopdaget. Filmkunstens æstetisk-politiske betydning i dansk modernisme og avantgarde.
Vilslev , B. T. (Project participant)
01/09/2016 → 06/10/2020
Project: Research
Tegneriske træk i dansk billedkunst o. 1890-1910
Lederballe, T. (Project participant)
01/09/2016 → 31/03/2018
Project: Research
The Drawing Center, New York and SMK collaboration - Dürer/contemporary artists
Kolind Poulsen, H. (Project participant)
01/08/2016 → 01/05/2019
Project: Research
Vilhelm Lundstrøm og kunstsamlerne
Svenningsen, J. (Project participant)
01/08/2016 → 03/01/2017
Project: Research
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Aagesen, D. (Project participant), Rosenvold Hvidt, A. (Project participant) & Bogh, M. (Project participant)
01/08/2016 → 08/02/2019
Project: Research
Ufortalte historier / What Lies Unspoken
Odumosu, T. (Working partner), Holm, H. (Project manager, academic), Aagesen, D. (Project manager, organisational), Krabbe Meyer, M. K. (Project participant), Giersing, S. (Project participant), Kolind Poulsen, H. (Project participant), Pedersen, E. D. L. F. (Project participant), Bernhardt, N. (Project participant) & Monrad, K. (Project participant)
01/07/2016 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
JVDPPP: Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project
Wadum, J. (Project participant) & Jager, A. (Project participant)
01/02/2016 → 01/07/2017
Project: Research
Artikel til surrealismeencyklopædi
Aagesen, D. (Project participant)
04/01/2016 → 15/03/2016
Project: Research
The Danish Revolution: The New Practices of the Danish Landscape Painters 1814-1850
Monrad, K. (Project participant)
04/01/2016 → 15/09/2016
Project: Research
Udgivelse af J. Th. Lundbyes dagbøger 1842-48
Svenningsen, J. (Project participant)
01/01/2016 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research
Proveniensforskning i Kobberstiksamlingens ældre danske samling
Svenningsen, J. (Project participant)
01/01/2016 → 01/08/2016
Project: Research
Gillian Wearing
Torp, M. (Project participant) & Bonnén, T. (Project participant)
01/01/2016 → 07/01/2018
Project: Research
Sergej Jensen
Torp, M. (Project participant), Bonnén, T. (Project participant) & Bonnén, T. (Project participant)
01/01/2016 → 30/12/2016
Project: Research