Museum Southeast Denmark

  • Postal addressShow on map

    Algade 97

    4760 Vordingborg


Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Museum Southeast Denmark is a culture-historical museum responsible for archaeological and historical investigations in Køge, Næstved and Vordingborg municipalities as well as archaeological investigations in Faxe, Stevns, Greve and Solrød municipalities. The museum has an academic team with competences within archaeology, history and art history


Research at Museum Southeast Denmark deals with themes within prehistory, middle ages, renaissance and historical periods. Furthermore, the museum works with art and design which are directly related to the region or art which have had impact on the local history. Within the geographical area that the museum covers, research conducted at the museum has a particular focus on the Paleolithic and Mesolithic, Viking Age, castles and defense works as well as handcrafts and design.


The ambition of the research conducted at the museum is to contribute to a general understanding of the past and what it is to be human being. The aim is to create significant research results which are relevant both to peer researcher as well as to the public. Through collection, documentation, preservation, research and communication, the aim is that the museum creates significant research, which:

  • Contributes locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Contributes with relevant perspectives to the debate of challenges in contemporary society.
  • Exploits the full potential of the museum collections.
  • Are being published.
  • Secures cultural heritage for the future and makes it accessible to other researchers.


  • Arkæologi (Den arkæologiske videnskab 90.72; Forhistorisk arkæologi 91.1; Bibelsk arkæologi 22.08; Primitive folkeslag 59.5)
  • Kulturhistorie 90.1
  • Historie 90

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