Activities per year
- 46 results
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Bebyggelsesekspansion, fællesskab og forandring. Ældre jernalders bebyggelse - Kildebrønde og Køge Bugt-området
Mathias Søndergaard (Other)
31 Jan 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk Historikermøde 2023. Oplæg om Danske øjenvidner til 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Other)
17 Aug 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
DR P1. Kulturen på P1
Kristian Bruhn (Other)
6 Jul 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag for Storstrøm Seniorlægeforening
Kristian Bruhn (Other)
5 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag for VIDA om efterretningstjenester og arkiver
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
17 Jan 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Borup: Skabelsen af hemmelige tjenester i Danmark
Kristian Bruhn (Other)
12 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Christiansfeld: Faneflugt. Sønderjyske desertører 1914-1918
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
12 Dec 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Christiansfeld: Spionage i Sønderjylland 1864-1918
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
11 Nov 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Flensborg: Spionage i Sønderjylland 1864-1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
6 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Frederiksværk: Vejen til Genforeningen 1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
22 Jan 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Greve: Skabelsen af hemmelige tjenester i Danmark
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
22 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Greve: Vejen til Genforeningen 1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
6 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Greve: Vejen til Genforeningen 1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
16 Sept 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Haderslev: Spionage i Sønderjylland 1864-1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
4 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Holte: Skabelsen af Efterretningstjenesten i Danmark
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
23 Mar 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Kerteminde: Vejen til Genforeningen 1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
14 Jan 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Lynge: Vejen til Genforeningen 1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
4 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Sengeløse: Vejen til Genforeningen 1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
30 Sept 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Slagelse: Forsvaret af Sjælland under 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
29 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Sønderborg: Spionage i Sønderjylland 1864-1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
5 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Tønder: Spionage i Sønderjylland 1864-1920
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
4 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Veddelev: Tunestillingen
Kristian Bruhn (Other)
23 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Vindinge: Tunestillingen og forsvaret af Sjælland under 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
24 Oct 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag i Aabenraa: Spionage i Sønderjylland 1864-1920
Bruhn, K. (Lecturer)
5 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Forsvarsakademiet: Efterretningstjenesten under 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
19 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Forsvarsakademiet: Nøglepersoner i dansk efterretningshistorie 1900-1918
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
8 Apr 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Frederiksberg: Forsvaret af Danmark under 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
5 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Greve Museum: Genforeningsjubilæet 2020
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
15 Jan 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Krigsmuseet: E-tjeneste, krigsfrygt og krigsplanlægning 1864-1918
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
15 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Mosede Fort: Dansk handelspolitik, søkrigen og handelsblokaderne 1914-1918
Kristian Bruhn (Other)
5 Dec 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Mosede Fort: Foredrag. Tyske planer for et angreb på Danmark fra 1864 til 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
8 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Mosede Fort: Hvorfor blev Danmark ikke besat under 1. Verdenskrig?
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
11 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Mosede Fort: Opførelsen af Mosede Fort før og under 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
2 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Mosede Fort: Rigets overlevelse. Undergangsangst og overlevelsesstrategier fra 1864 til 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
11 Jan 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Mosede Fort: Spionage i Danmark 1914-1918
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
20 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Mosede Fort: Årsagerne til opførelsen af Mosede Batteri
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
9 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Mosede Fort: Årsagerne til opførelsen af Mosede Batteri
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
18 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Roskilde Museum: Forsvaret af Roskilde-egnen under 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Other)
28 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Roskilde Museum: Tunestillingen og forsvaret af Sjælland under 1. Verdenskrig
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
7 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Foredrag på Sønderborg slot: På kanten af krig. Det lille land i Den store krig.
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
10 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Forelæsning: Efterretningsvirksomhed i Danmark 1914-18
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
7 Feb 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Forelæsning: Hvorfor blev Danmark ikke besat under 1. verdenskrig?
Kristian Bruhn (Lecturer)
14 Feb 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Forelæsning om Danmarks historie 1914-1945 (Folkeuniversitetet Aalborg)
Kristian Bruhn (Other)
20 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Interview i Politikens boghal
Kristian Bruhn (Panel member)
20 Sept 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Radio 24syv: Historiens største politi- og forsvarsskandaler
Kristian Bruhn (Panel member)
17 Jan 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Radio4: Samtale om Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste
Kristian Bruhn (Other)
31 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution