With the best intentions. Wax-resin lining of Danish Golden Age paintings (early 19th century) on canvas and changed response to RH

Cecil K. Andersen, Marion F. Mecklenburg, Mikkel Scharff, Jørgen Wadum

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Wax-resin lining treatments in the 20th century were chosen specifically for many of the 19th century Danish Golden Age paintings on canvas to counteract their suspected response to moisture. This is a study of the response of painting samples and mock-ups to changing relative humidity (RH) before and after wax-resin lining using tests of uniaxially restrained samples in cycled RH. Contrary to
the usual assumptions, both new wax-resin lined samples and a 47-year-old lining showed markedly increased force levels at high levels of RH, suggesting that the effects of wax-resin linings have not been fully understood.
TidsskriftICOM-CC Preprints
Udgave nummer14
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2014
BegivenhedICOM-CC 14th Triennial Conference - Melbourne, Australien
Varighed: 15 sep. 201419 sep. 2014
Konferencens nummer: 14th


KonferenceICOM-CC 14th Triennial Conference
