Tracing Holocene temperatures and human impact in a Greenlandic Lake: Novel insights from hyperspectral imaging and lipid biomarkers

Tobias Schneider*, Isla S. Castañeda, Boyang Zhao, Sascha Krüger, Jeffrey M. Salacup, Raymond S. Bradley

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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Global warming particularly impacts terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Arctic. To constrain the sensitivity of Arctic lakes and make meaningful predictions about future change under global warming, we need to examine their response to previous warm phases. Lake sediments from Greenland's deglaciated area offer valuable archives to investigate past climate variability and associated lake changes. Here, we applied hyperspectral imaging and lipid biomarker thermometry to a Holocene-length sediment record from Lake 578 in the Eastern Settlement of the Norse (61.08 • N, 45.62 • W;~155 m a.s.l) to investigate local temperature, productivity, and anoxia histories. We calibrated branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tet-raethers (brGDGTs) with summer mean water temperatures (SMWT) using a previously published site-specific calibration and analyzed pigment fluxes based on hyperspectral imaging. Notably, the anoxia reconstructions were corroborated with two independent proxies (GDGT-0/Crenarchaeol and bacterio pheophytins). We investigated the lake's environmental history and identified periods of significant change by employing generalized additive models (GAMs). Our results reveal significant transitions in Lake 578 driven both by natural climate shifts and anthropogenic impacts. During the early Holocene, low SMWT and productivity coupled with high anoxia suggest strong sea-sonality and prolonged inverted thermal stratification, possibly enhanced by extended ice cover. The mid-Holocene showed higher SMWT and productivity along with low anoxia, indicating a dimictic lake system. The early Holocene temperature rise lagged that of to the Northern Hemisphere, but closely followed the Atlantic-Fennoscandian stack. The Holocene Thermal Maximum (7.5-4.5 cal ka BP) aligns with other regional reconstructions. After 3 cal ka BP, we observed a Neoglacial cooling characterized by increased anoxia and reduced temperatures due to enhanced stratification. At around 1.0 cal ka BP, Lake 578 saw a surge in productivity and anoxia, which we attribute to land use and lake damming by the Norse. Despite a post-Norse decline in productivity and disappearance of anoxia, the lake never reverted to its pre-Norse state, with modern sheep farming further intensifying productivity in recent decades. While early Holocene anoxia resulted from natural cold temperature stratification, anoxia during the Norse period was anthropogenically induced. This research underscores the value of integrating lipid biomarkers with hyperspectral imaging for detailed reconstructions of changes within Arctic lakes. It provides crucial insights for anticipating the ecologic and climatic resilience of Arctic lakes to ongoing global warming and anthropogenic influence.
TidsskriftQuaternary Science Reviews
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2024
