I denne artikel vises med udgangspunkt i en beskrivelse af et specifikt arrangement med det danske danseorkester Bjørn & Okay, hvordan man optræder inden for denne særlige musiktradition. Bjørn & Okays performative udgangspunkt er, at de, trods en status som landskendt orkester med mange hits, i udpræget grad retter sig mod og efter det tilstedeværende publikum og dets behov, hvilket blandt andet illustreres ved, at de planlægger sætlisten ud fra en læsning af publikum. Ved hjælp af en række taktikker, hvoraf diverse nonmusikalske verbale henvendelser til publikum har en væsentlig betydning, indtager og udfylder især orkestrets frontfigur, Bjørn Hansen, rollen som social arkitekt. Han er aktivt styrende i sin vejledning i, hvordan publikum
skal agere. Samtidig er han og de andre musikere i høj grad tilgængelige for publikum,
såvel på scenen som i pauser, hvilket forstærker den følelse af fællesskab, som er et tydeligt mål for musikerne.
By analysing a performance by a prominent Danish dance band, Bjørn & Okay, in this article it is shown the performative characteristics of this specific tradition. Despite their status as a nationally famous orchestra with many hits, Bjørn & Okay are primarily focused on the specific audience and plan their set lists onstage following a continuous reading of the audience. Using a range of tactics, of which nonmusical verbal communication are of significant importance, especially the band leader serves as a social architect. He is actively guiding the audience and constantly telling them what to do. At the same time he and the other musicians actively bond with the audience, both onstage and offstage, which helps building the spirit of community, which is the clear goal of the musical performance.
skal agere. Samtidig er han og de andre musikere i høj grad tilgængelige for publikum,
såvel på scenen som i pauser, hvilket forstærker den følelse af fællesskab, som er et tydeligt mål for musikerne.
By analysing a performance by a prominent Danish dance band, Bjørn & Okay, in this article it is shown the performative characteristics of this specific tradition. Despite their status as a nationally famous orchestra with many hits, Bjørn & Okay are primarily focused on the specific audience and plan their set lists onstage following a continuous reading of the audience. Using a range of tactics, of which nonmusical verbal communication are of significant importance, especially the band leader serves as a social architect. He is actively guiding the audience and constantly telling them what to do. At the same time he and the other musicians actively bond with the audience, both onstage and offstage, which helps building the spirit of community, which is the clear goal of the musical performance.
Originalsprog | Dansk |
Artikelnummer | 1 |
Tidsskrift | Danish Musicology Online |
Vol/bind | 4 |
Antal sider | 31 |
ISSN | 1904-237X |
Status | Udgivet - 2012 |
- Populærmusik
- Dansktopmusik
- dansband
- performance
- livemusik