The Antwerp Brand on Paintings on Panels

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

TitelLooking Through Paintings : The Study of Painting Techniques and Materials in Support of Art Historical Research. Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek XI
RedaktørerErma Hermens
Antal sider20
ForlagArchetype Publications Ltd.
ISBN (Trykt)978-1873132565
StatusUdgivet - 1998
Udgivet eksterntJa

Bibliografisk note

The articles in this volume circle around an area of study that has become known informally as 'technical art history'. It is a wide-ranging, inclusive vocation of the making of art and the means by which we throw light on that process. Although concentrating on painting techniques, materials and studio practice it goes far beyond the material into how concepts are translated into substance - how invenzione becomes disegno and colore. In this volume we travel in a great sweep from the general to the particular - from global sources of pigment supply to the specifics of extracting dyestuffs in seventeenth century Holland, from the medieval concepts of colour to vivid glimpses of nineteenth century London studies. This collection of articles demonstrate the great importance of painting techniques and materials for art historical research.
