Syn for sagn: Tre fotografiske dokumentationsprojekter, 1895-1927

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    Picturing the Past ? Three Photographical Projects, 1895?1927

    This article analyses the use of photography in Danish folkloristic documentation of immaterial culture. In particular, it focuses on the work of Axel Olrik (1864-1917), the first president of the Danish Folklore Archives and a representative of the early folkloristic movement, and his engagement in three different photographical projects during the years 1895?1927. Through a study of the actual pictures as well as readings of Olrik?s personal letters, applications for funding, and academic writings, two main arguments for the use of photography are identified: one line of argumentation pertains to the potential of photography as a conservatory technology; another series of reasons promotes photographs as a particularly well-suited medium for conveying the past in a holistic way. Furthermore, the article shows how these arguments hinge on a coalescence of time and space, comparable to that of concurrent ethnographic photography.
    TidsskriftTidsskrift for Kulturforskning
    Udgave nummer1
    Sider (fra-til)5-22
    Antal sider18
    StatusUdgivet - 2013


    • Fotografihistorie
    • Folkloristik
    • Folkeminder
    • Visuel antropologi
