Substantiel uvæsentlighed: En kommentar til Tim Flohr Sørensens udstillingsrække 'De Uvæsentlige'

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This commentary introduces Tim Flohr Sørensen’s exhibition series Insignificants. Its focus is upon the emotions and thoughts it has awakened within me; thus, the series is treated as a synthesis of the individual exhibitions. The ways in which Sørensen breaks with and challenges conventional archaeological methods is reflected upon, and how Insignificants can benefit our perception of objects and further theoretical horizons in archaeology is proposed.
TidsskriftArkæologisk fORUM
Udgave nummer43
Sider (fra-til)39-42
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2020


  • Kunstarkæologi
  • Arkæologisk teori
  • Arkæologisk formidling
  • Uvæsentlighed
  • Væsentlighed
  • Samtidsarkæologi
