Regional Patterns of Late Medieval and Early Modern European Building Activity Revealed by Felling Dates

Ljungqvist, Fredrik Charpentier and Seim, Andrea and Tegel, Willy and Krusic, Paul J. and Baittinger, Claudia and Belingard, Christelle and Bernabei, Mauro and Bonde, Niels and Borghaerts, Paul and Couturier, Yann and Crone, Anne and van Daalen, Sjoerd and Daly, Aoife and Doeve, Petra and Domínguez-Delmás, Marta and Edouard, Jean-Louis and Frank, Thomas and Ginzler, Christian and Grabner, Michael and Gschwind, Friederike M. and Haneca, Kristof and Hansson, Anton and Herzig, Franz and Heussner, Karl-Uwe and Hofmann, Jutta and Houbrechts, David and Kaczka, Ryszard J. and Kolář, Tomáš and Kontic, Raymond and Kyncl, Tomáš and Labbas, Vincent and Lagerås, Per and Le Digol, Yannick and Le Roy, Melaine and Leuschner,, Hanns Hubert and Linderson, Hans and Ludlow, Francis and Marais, Axel and Mills, Coralie M. and Neyses-Eiden, Mechthild and Nicolussi, Kurt and Perrault, Christophe and Pfeifer, Klaus and Rybníček, Michal and Rzepecki, Andreas and Schmidhalter, Martin and Seifert, Mathias and Shindo, Lisa and Spyt, Barbara and Susperregi, Josué and Svarva, Helene Løvstrand and Thun, Terje and Walder, Felix and Ważny, Tomasz and Werthe, Elise and Westphal, Thorsten and Wilson, Rob and Büntgen, Ulf

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Although variations in building activity are a useful indicator of societal well-being and demographic development, historical datasets for larger regions and longer periods are still rare. Here, we present 54,045 annually precise dendrochronological felling dates from historical construction timber from across most of Europe between 1250 and 1699 CE to infer variations in building activity. We use geostatistical techniques to compare spatiotemporal dynamics in past European building activity against independent demographic, economic, social and climatic data. We show that the felling dates capture major geographical patterns of demographic trends, especially in regions with dense data coverage. A particularly strong negative association is found between grain prices and the number of felling dates. In addition, a significant positive association is found between the number of felling dates and mining activity. These strong associations, with well-known macro-economic indicators from pre-industrial Europe, corroborate the use of felling dates as an independent source for exploring large-scale fluctuations of societal well-being and demographic development. Three prominent examples are the building boom in the Hanseatic League region of northeastern Germany during the 13th century, the onset of the Late Medieval Crisis in much of Europe c. 1300, and the cessation of building activity in large parts of central Europe during armed conflicts such as the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648 CE). Despite new insights gained from our European-wide felling date inventory, further studies are needed to investigate changes in construction activity of high versus low status buildings, and of urban versus rural buildings, and to compare those results with a variety of historical documentary sources and natural proxy archives.
TidsskriftFrontiers in ecology and evolution
Antal sider40
StatusUdgivet - 2022
