Recent Discoveries on Antwerp Panel Makers' Marks

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


There still exist today uncertainties and misunderstandings in our interpretation of panel makers' marks from early 17th century Antwerp. In the future, panel marks and the panels on which they can be found will certainly render much more information concerning the technology of that time. Still more can be added to our comprehension of the way the panel makers worked in Antwerp. In the following paper I shall give a brief summary of the present state of research, as well as outline the complicated task of interpreting these marks and their use as a dating tool. The ready-made supports of that period will also be discussed.
TitelTechnologia Artis. The Third Yearbook of the Historical Art Technology Prague
RedaktørerAntonin Novak, Milena Necaskova
StatusUdgivet - 1993
NavnTechnologia Artis

Bibliografisk note

The Archives of Historical Art Technology accepts papers both from restorers and all other scientific branches that affect historical technology in their research. We welcome, in particular, detailed laboratory analyses of works of art, or archive research into the material and technical as well as sociological aspects of art work. Likewise studies that generalize the occurrence of individual techniques in art and theoretical papers closely related to the material buildup of artifacts. We welcome papers sent from every country (in any language), for the development of historical art technology is primarily dependent on international exchange of knowledge.
