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TitelPersonal Viewpoints – Thoughts about Paintings Conservation : a Seminar Organized by the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Research Institute at the Getty Center, Los Angeles, June 21-22, 2001
RedaktørerMark Leonard
Antal sider16
UdgivelsesstedLos Angeles
ForlagGetty Conservation Institute
ISBN (Trykt)0892366982
StatusUdgivet - 2003
Udgivet eksterntJa

Bibliografisk note

The papers in this book, originally presented at a recent seminar organized by the Getty Museum, explore the values, assumptions, and goals that shape the work of paintings conservators. Six conservators, three curators, and a conservation scientist candidly reflect on the challenges in approaching specific works of art. Each conservator describes a successful conservation effort, as well as a project that, in retrospect, might have been approached differently. Their insights, the responses of the curators and conservation scientist, and the panel discussions contribute to a thoughtful analysis of the ever-evolving art and science of paintings conservation.
