Provoking, disturbing, hacking: Media archaeology as a framework to the understanding of contemporary DIY composers’ instruments and ideas

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The article is a discussion of works by two Danish composers who both, with self-constructed instruments challenge computer music both as genre, the understanding and use of conventional technology and the relation to history. At first glance, the use of the homemade instruments appears as a common characteristic. But, when one takes a closer look, different discourses and various discussions of media and materiality are revealed. In the article the various positions are unfolded through discussions within the theoretical field of media archaeology, - a science with roots in media studies, but also an important framework for the production and understanding of a variety of DIY practices.
The overall purpose with the article is two folded: On the one side it illustrates how theories from the field of media archaeology contributes with interesting perspectives on discussions of artistic work, within the artistic area of DIY. On the other hand, it also serves as a critical discussion of media archaeology, as not being the solution to every aspect of artistic practices. The two artists are Morten Riis and Goodiepal.
TidsskriftOrganised Sound
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)266 - 273
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2013
Udgivet eksterntJa
