Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Copenhagen oil sketch of "The Strife between Carnival and Lent", 1562.

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A thinly painted panel painting attributed to Pieter Bruegel the Elder, at Copenhagen’s Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK), illustrates The Strife of Lent
with Shrove-Tide. It is signed ‘BRVEGHEL·1562’ and depicts three faces modelled over an underdrawing in red chalk. This contribution argues for a firm attribution of the painting to Pieter Bruegel the Elder, founded on the results from thorough technical analyses, including dendrochronology, infrared reflectography, X-radiography, SEM-EDX and XRF. The terminus post quem provided by the felling date of the tree used for the panel matches Bruegel’s lifetime, and examination by infrared reflectography revealed a hitherto unobserved signature and date in the upper-right corner of the painting
that corresponds with the dendrochronological result.
The long scholarly debate on the attribution of the painting is also addressed through a study of the painting’s provenance and attribution history.
TitelThe Bruegel Success Story : Papers Presented at Symposium XXI for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting, Brussels, 12-14 September 2018
RedaktørerC Currie
Antal sider18
ISBN (Trykt)9789042943322
ISBN (Elektronisk)9789042943339
StatusUdgivet - 2021
NavnUnderdrawing and Technology in Painting. Symposia
