New Perspectives on Economic Modeling for Digital Curation

Neil Grindley, Ulla Bøgvad Kejser, Hervé L'Hours

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    Society is increasingly dependent on the availability of digital
    information assets however the resources that are available for
    managing the assets over time (curating) are limited. As such, it is
    increasingly vital that organizations are able to judge the
    effectiveness of their investments into curation activities. For
    those responsible for digital curation, it is an ongoing challenge to
    ensure that the assets remain valuable in a sustainable manner.
    Digital curation and preservation practices are still evolving and
    they are not well aligned across different organizations and
    different sectors. The lack of clear definitions and standardization
    makes it difficult to compare the costs and benefits of multiple
    curation processes, which again impedes identification of good
    practice. This paper introduces a new perspective on modeling the
    economics of curation. It describes a framework of interrelated
    models that represent different aspects of the economic lifecycle
    based around curation. The framework includes a sustainability
    model, a cost and benefit model, a business model, and a cost
    model. The framework provides a common vocabulary and
    clarifies the roles and responsibilities of managers with a demand
    for curation of digital assets and suppliers of curation services and
    solutions. Further, the framework reflects the context in which
    managers operate and how this context influences their decision-making.
    This should enable managers to think through different
    scenarios around the economics of curation and to analyze the
    impact of different decisions to support strategic planning. The
    framework is intended to serve as a basis for developing tools to
    help managers analyze the costs and benefits associated with
    curation. The models are being developed and refined as part of
    the EU project 4C “Collaboration to Clarify the Cost of Curation”,
    which is bringing together and bridging existing knowledge,
    models and tools to create a better understanding of the economics
    of curation.
    TidsskriftInternational Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects
    Sider (fra-til)29-38
    Antal sider10
    StatusUdgivet - 2014
    BegivenhedThe 11th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects - State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australien
    Varighed: 6 okt. 201410 okt. 2014
    Konferencens nummer: 11


    KonferenceThe 11th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects
    LokationState Library of Victoria
