Military land use DK dataset 1870 - 2017 

Stig Roar Svenningsen (Producent), Gregor Levin (Producent), Mads Linnet Perner (Producent)

Publikation: Bidrag der ikke har en tekstformDatasætForskning


This dataset contains geographical delineation of 113 current and former (as of 2017) defence sites in Denmark including information about the land use development and time of military use on each site. The data is available as an ESRI shapefile in UTM ETRS89 32N projection with attribute values. This dataset is a result of a research project “Military land use history” funded by the Danish Ministry of Defence Estate Agency (MDEA).
Publikationsdato27 feb. 2019
UdgivelsesstedLOAR Repository
StatusUdgivet - 27 feb. 2019
