M3.2.3 Personas Catalogue

Katja Guldbæk Rasmussen, Rie Iversen, Gitte Petersen

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    This catalogue contains 7 personas developed for use in the Europeana projects. The premise of this work has been to find already existing personas within the domains of archives, museums and libraries in Europe. These have then been pared down to their essentials and rebuilt, using input from Europeana partners and research on behavior and search patterns.
    If you have never worked with personas before,please take the time to read the short introduction in the chapter about method.
    The personas, and a brief “How To” is the central issue in this catalogue
    and therefore placed at the front. For those wanting to dig a little deeper
    into how the personas were created, more in-depth material can be found in
    the chapters at the back.
    ForlagEuropeana Connect
    Udgave1. udg
    Antal sider25
    Rekvirerende organisationEuropeana Connect
    StatusUdgivet - 2009

    Bibliografisk note

    This catalogue contains 7 personas developed for use in the Europeana projects. EuropeanaConnect Milestone M3.2.3


    • Personas
