Location and conversation: A report based on audience interviews after Carl Maria von Webers “Der Freischütz”, staged at The Royal Danish Opera, Copenhagen,November 2015

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This is a study about how the locationaffects the conversation when the audience articulates their impression of the art experience. After the romantic opera Der Ferischutz at the opera house in Copenhagen, we used three focus group interviews and tested three different settings:the meeting room, the auditorium and a walk outside the venue.There seems to be a connection between the setting and the topics of conversation
ForlagDet Kgl. Teater
Vol/bindReport #3
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 1 dec. 2015
NavnA Suitcase of Methods Report


  • Publikumsforskning
  • Teater
  • A Suitcase of Methods
  • Opera
