Integration of Bit Preservation for Web Archives, Using the Open Source Framework

Eld Zierau , Rasmus Kristensen, Mathias Jensen, Colin Rosenthal

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


The Royal Danish Library has used the open source framework as basis for bit preservation of Danish cultural heritage for more than ten years. Until 2022 this was the case for all digital materials except the web archive materials. Until then the bit preservation of web archive materials relied on the NetarchiveSuite archival module. However, this module had several disadvantages, since it only supported bit preservation with two online copies and one checksum copy. A third copy therefore had to be a backup copy which was detached from the active bit preservation, where copies could be regularly checked and compared (via checksums). In the late 2010’s, the library wanted to modernize the bit preservation platform for the Danish web archive, which resulted in an integration the NetarchiveSuite and Framework. This also enabled the possibility only to have one online copy of the web archive, to have three copies all included in the active bit preservation, to have numerous checksum copies and to enable better independence between the copies, and thus have reduced risk of incidents destroying all copies.
This presentation will present the capabilities of the framework concerning how it can support advanced active bit preservation for web archives in general. The main theme in the presentation will be about the bit preservation, and how enables use of storage of copies on all types of current and future media, and how it is technology agnostic in the sense that software and media technologies can be change rather easily over time. It will also be presented how framework supports daily bit preservation operations, and how it enables setup with high access possibilities as well as providing a basis for high operation security at all levels. Furthermore, it the experiences of integrating using the flexibility of setup will be presented, as well as the experiences with integration with NetarchiveSuite, and how it now supports S3, and thus can be integrated with many other web collection solutions.
Publikationsdato26 maj 2024
StatusUdgivet - 26 maj 2024
BegivenhedIIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference 2024 - Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Frankrig
Varighed: 24 apr. 202426 apr. 2024


KonferenceIIPC General Assembly and Web Archiving Conference 2024
LokationBibliothèque nationale de France
