Hvordan går det så med det der teori? Indtryk og refleksioner efter Nordic TAG 2022

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In April 2022 I attendend the 16th Nordic TAG in Oslo. The conference theme was: What’s the use of theory? Following from the two opening talks and the 19 sessions at the conference it was also about time to discuss the conditions, challenges and possibilities of theory in archaeology today. Common themes in archaeological theory today seems to be the relationship between theory and practice, the importance of relationality and new temporal perspectives. A general conclusion from the conference is that the real usefulness of theory shows it self in the creative and playful exploration of what the archaeological material is.
TidsskriftArkæologisk Forum
Udgave nummer46
Sider (fra-til)30-37
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2022


  • Arkæologisk teori
  • konference
  • Nordic TAG
  • udvikling
