Forvaltning, fortolkning og forhandling af autenticitet i et husmuseum

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From 2019-2021 The Art Museums of Skagen conducted a reestablish-ment of the bedrooms in the historic house museum Anchers Hus. Challenges regar-ding lack of historical documentation and original artefacts led the museum staff to discuss the different notions of authenticity. In this article, a review of the concept of authenticity with regards to historic house museums, led to a categorization based on rationalities, held by conservators, curators, and museum visitors respective-ly. This categorization revealed several diverging understandings of authenticity. The analysis shows how the museum staff managed and negotiated these contested notions of authenticity and exemplifies how a theoretical understanding can help strengthen curatorial praxis.
Bidragets oversatte titelManaging, Interpreting and Negotiating Authenticity in a Historic House Museum
TidsskriftNordisk Museologi
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)38-56
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - 22 dec. 2024
