Discovery of af unique golden Arabic morabetin from the year 1218 of the Safar Era in Gørding (Ribe-Danmark)

Morten Søvsø, Manuel Mozo Monroy

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Analysis and presentation of a totally unknown monolingual morabetin, coined in
Toledo by Alfonso VIII, the king of Castile, in the year 1218 of Safar -Gregorian 1180 AD.-, found in the city of Gørding (Jutland-Denmark). These gold coins were minted for very few years, all of them being very scarce. Later the word “ALF” -abreviature of “Alfonsvs”- was added to the inscriptions, thus making them bilingual, but keeping a Christian cross on one of its sides.
TidsskriftRevista numismática - Omni
Sider (fra-til)324-339
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2019
