Dette er ikke en kanon: Om kanonisering og dens effekt på samtidskunsten

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How does canonization affect contemporary art and the definition of cultural heritage? This subject is right now topical in Denmark, where the Ministry of Culture recently issued a much debated canon of Danish culture. This article looks behind the concept of canonization and examines the structures that determine why some artists and art works are canonized, while others are disregarded. The focus of the article is a marginalized group of contemporary Danish artists, named passionists, who have deliberately chosen to oppose the prevailing standards of art production. These standards are based on the tradition of the avantgarde, which itself forms a canon within art historiography today
TidsskriftNordisk Museologi
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)74-88
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2006

Bibliografisk note

Ansvarshavende redaktør Ane Hejlskov Larsen, Aarhus Universitet
