
This chapter provides an extensive overview of the use of geophysics in archaeological research and cultural heritage management in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. It discusses the current status, role and acceptance of geophysical methods in each country, and outlines the state-of-the-art based on a synthesis of existing knowledge and experience. The authors consider the past, present and future of archaeo-geophysics in the individual regions, taking into account the academic, curatorial and commercial aspects of their use. This, in turn, serves as the basis for a discussion of the reasons for the varying degrees of acceptance and integration of the methods in each country, and aid the distribution of knowledge and experience gained across Scandinavia and beyond. The practical experience, application and general acceptance are not similar in the different Scandinavian countries. There is a general lack of integrating geophysical (and by extension non-intrusive methods) within the archaeological practice and guidelines. The case studies presented here show a range of archaeological applications of geophysics in Scandinavia, demonstrating how geophysical methods should by no means be considered ``new'' or ``untested''. While there is a need for targeted research, there has also been a challenge in disseminating the already generated knowledge and experiences to other actors within the archaeological community. Some of this can be explained by a lack of trained personnel, domestic competence and archaeological institutions undertaking research into the applicability of geophysical methods, and data-sharing and making reports accessible.
TitelWorld Archaeo-Geophysics : Integrated minimally invasive approaches using country-based examples
RedaktørerCarmen Cuenca-Garcia, Andrei Asăndulesei, Kelsey M. Lowe
Antal sider44
ForlagSpringer International Publishing
Publikationsdato14 jul. 2024
ISBN (Trykt)978-3-031-57900-4
StatusUdgivet - 14 jul. 2024
NavnOne World Archaeology
