Fishing in the prehistoric Syltholm fjord – a diachronic analysis

  • Groß , Daniel (PI)
  • Koivisto, Satu (Projektdeltager)
  • Robson, Harry (Projektdeltager)
  • Schmölcke, Ulrich (Projektdeltager)
  • Phillipsen, Bente (Projektdeltager)

Projekter: ProjektForskning

Bidrag til bog/antologi


  • 2023

    Stone Age Fishing in the prehistoric Syltholm Fjord

    Stafseth, T. & Groß, D., 2023, Changing Identity in a Changing World. Current Studies on the Stone Age in Northern Europe around 4000 cal BC. Groß, D. & Rothstein, M. (red.). Leiden: Sidestone Press, s. 235-248 14 s.

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