
Projekter: ProjektForskning



The transfer, migration and implementation of a unique dendrochronology database based on the lifelong achievements of Prof Dr P. Klein, University of Hamburg, containing more than 14,000 single tree-ring curves from more than 6,000 paintings from primarily the Netherlandish School (van Eyck, Memling, Holbein, Rembrandt, Rubens etc. on display in museums from Dresden to the Metropolitan Museum, from Stockholm to Durban and Melbourne. This project aims at transferring the old Hamburg database to Copenhagen and migrate all the data into a modern, open source database in order to make this large amount of big-data available for comparative research for the field of dendrochronology, archaeology, climate research, historic trade studies and much more.
Effektiv start/slut dato04/01/201620/12/2019


  • dendrochronology
  • art
  • panel paintings, wood science, environment, climate