Characterization and identification of different phases in the protrusion's aggregates from Georgia O'Keeffe oil paintings.

  • Ortiz Miranda, Annette Suleika (PI)
  • Walton, Marc (Projektleder, faglig)
  • Pouyet, Emeline (Projektdeltager)
  • Newville, Matt (Projektkoordinator)
  • Lanzirotti, Tony (Projektdeltager)

Projekter: ProjektForskning



SR-mciro-XRD and SR-micro-XRF analysis at the GeoScience Environmental Science (GSECARS 13-ID-E) beamline for micro characterization of the samples and identification of different phases in the protrusion's aggregates samples taken from Georgia O'Keeffe oil paintings.
Effektiv start/slut dato16/11/201806/07/2019