Intet billede af Charlotte Rimstad

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil



Date of birth: September 15, 1982

Nationality: Danish

E-mail: [email protected]


Charlotte Rimstad (CR) is a textile archaeologist with more than 10 years of experience in the field. Currently working as project researcher in the TRiVAL project (Textile Resources in Viking Age Landscapes), CR has conducted high level textile analysis on both prehistoric, medieval and early modern textiles. She has facilitated cooperation between archaeology and several other scientific fields, such as history, chemistry and anthropology. She has frequently given papers on national and international conferences, many of which have later been published.



March 23, 2018: Ph.D. degree in Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Copenhagen.

Dissertation on 17th century clothing in Copenhagen, based on archaeological textile fragments.

December 14, 2009: Master degree in Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Copenhagen. Thesis about Viking Age clothing in Denmark. Result: Maximum Danish grade 12.



September 1, 2018- April 30, 2023 (incl. maternity leave):



2023-2024: Project Researcher in the TRiVAL project (Textile Resources in Viking Age Landscapes) at the National Museum of Denmark and Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen.

2018-2023: Project coordinator and post. doc. at the National Museum of Denmark, coordinating the project Fashioning the Viking Age about Viking Age clothing, textiles and reconstructions.

2013-2017 (incl. two times maternity leave): Ph.D. fellow: 17th Century Clothes of Copenhagen, at the Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen. Recruited by CTR in open international competition. Member of staff of the CTR, giving talks and presentations for CTR guests and visitors.

2010-2012: Excavating field archaeologist at Museum of Copenhagen, specialising in Medieval, Early Modern and Modern archaeology. Specialist of the remains of textiles and human bones.



2023:   Stiftelsen Agnes Geijers fond for nordisk textilforskning: 356.000 SEK for dye analyses in the TRiVAL project.

2021:   Elisabeth Munksgaard Fonden: 20.000 DKK for the publication of the Hvilehøj and Bjerringhøj burials.

2016: Stiftelsen Agnes Geijers fond for nordisk textilforskning: 100.000 SEK for dye analyses in the PhD project.

2007: Member of field project in the Galathea 3 Expedition, in collaboration with physical anthropologist Professor Pia Bennike.



Archaeological textiles, Viking Age, Early Modern period, human bones, identity, biography of things, materiality, sustainability, use and reuse, outreach and reconstruction.



March 18, 2013 - November 29. 2013: Maternity leave

April 13, 2015 - February 29, 2016: Maternity leave

January 11, 2021 – January 19, 2022: Maternity leave


Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Forhistorisk Arkæologi, Ph.d., Dragtfortællinger fra voldgraven. , Københavns Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 12 mar. 2018


  • Arkæologi (Den arkæologiske videnskab 90.72; Forhistorisk arkæologi 91.1; Bibelsk arkæologi 22.08; Primitive folkeslag 59.5)
  • Tekstiler
  • Vikingetid
  • Middelalder
  • Renæssance

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