A. Lif Lund Jacobsen

Ph.d , Forsker


Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil



2014 -         Forsker og arkivar ved Rigsarkivets Brugerservice- og  Formidlingsafdeling

2011-2013   Postdoc, Center for Videnskabs Studier, Institut for Fysik, Aarhus Universitet

2011            Akademisk konsulent, OCEAN2012, Bruxelles

2010            Forskningsassistent , School of History and Classics, University of Tasmania

2005-2010    Ph.d. kandidat ved School of Geography and Environmental Studies,

                    Faculty of Science, University of Tasmania, Australien.

2006-2007    Projektleder på Galathea 3 Ekspeditionen,.

2005-2007    Netværkskoordinator for Center for Energi og Samfund (CES).

2004-2005     Inspektør på Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, Esbjerg.

2003-2004     Forsknings- og projektassistent, Center for Maritime og Regionale Studier,

                    Syddansk Universitet, Esbjerg.



2012 Adjunktpædagogikum, Aarhus University.

2005-2010 Ph.D. grad fra School of School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania. Afhandlings titel: “The environmental history of trawling, fisheries management and marine science in New South Wales, 1865-1961”.

2001- 2003 Kandidat studier ved Centre for Maritime og Regionale Studier, Syddansk Universitet, Esbjerg.  Cand.mag. i historie

1996-2001  Bachelor og enkeltfags studier i Historie, Informationsvidenskab og Bio-statistik,  Aarhus Universitet




 My research is focused on history of science, science & policy and environmental history. I have recently shifted my attention from marine biology towards geophysics, especially seismology.  The disciplines of both marine biology and seismology have experienced degrees of politicisation in the 20th century which have influenced the direction of research and the role of the scientist. To demonstrate such changes within a discipline I often take a biographical approach, using the history of an individual or research institution to illustrate the larger history.

All my research has been based upon archival research and studies of historic publications.

Eksterne ansættelser

Censor, historie

2018 → …

Associated researcher, Niels Bohr Archive

2014 → …

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