

  • 2019


    Wadum, J., 8 jul. 2019, Trading Paintings and Painters’ Materials 1550–1800. Haack Christensen, A. & Jager, A. (red.). London: Archetype Publications Ltd. London, Bind IV. s. vii 1 s.

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  • 2017


    Wadum, J., 2017, Studying the European visual arts 1800-1850 : Paintings, Sculpture, Interiors and Art on Paper. Townsend, J. H. & Vandivere, A. (red.). London: Archetype Publications Ltd., Bind III. s. vii 1 s. (CATS Proceedings , Bind III).

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  • 2015


    Wadum, J., 2015, Studying 18th-Century Paintings and Works of Art on Paper. Evans, H. & Muir, K. (red.). London: Archetype Publications Ltd., Bind II. s. vii 1 s. (CATS Proceedings , Bind II).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportForord/efterskriftForskningpeer review

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  • 2014


    Wadum, J., 2014, European Paintings 15th-18th Century: Copying, Replicating and Emulating. Hermens, E. (red.). London: Archetype Publications Ltd., Bind I. s. vii 1 s. (CATS Proceedings , Bind I).

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