Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Ekstern organisation)

Aktivitet: MedlemsskabMedlemskab af forskningsnetværk


Multi-isotopic analysis of early modern art. Linking origin, trade and production of raw materials with provenance research (MITEEMA).

Is it possible to objectively determine where and when works of art were produced? It might be, by establishing a geochonology of the metals used in the manufacturing process of these objects. This multidisciplinary project will combine geochemical analysis with the production and trade history and verify the data by studying a reference collection of objects with well known provenance and different age.

Principial investigator: Prof. dr. G.R. Davies (VU Amsterdam) Co-Principal investigators: Prof. dr. U. Brandes (Universität Konstanz) P. Noble (Rijksmuseum) Prof. dr. F. Scholten (Rijksmuseum, VU Amsterdam) Prof. dr. J. Wadum (University of Amsterdam, Statens Museum for Kunst & Centre for Art Technologial Studies and Conservation Copenhagen)
Sted for afholdelseVrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Holland
Grad af anerkendelseInternational