The need for observing relics - the reconstruction of a romanesque arm reliquary

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A romanesque arm reliquary in The National Museum of Denmark was after c. 25 years of use reconstructed in order to see the relic inside through a rock crystal covering a secondary cut hole in the side. The meaning of this alteration is important in understanding the transition in visual veneration and practice.
Periode4 jun. 2016
Sted for afholdelse University of Leeds, Storbritannien
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Relikvier (Romersk-katolske kirke 28.23)
  • Kristendom og kultur 20.1
  • Emaljekunst 76.26
  • Middelalderen 91.6
  • Mystik (Kristelig mystik 24; Kristelig mystik (tekster fra før år 1550) 20.8; Middelalderens kirkehistorie 27.14; Sml. religionsvidenskab 29.1)
  • Romansk stil (Enkelte stilarters teori 70.15; Kirkekunst i alm. 71.8; Kunsthistorie 70.912; Arkitekturens historie 71.12; Malerkunstens historie 74.12)