The article deals with the challenges confronting libraries in their efforts to collect and make available national cultural heritage to researchers in today’s hybrid media society. The authors work with a case: Sigrid Nygaard’s photograph of a man spitting down on immigrants from 2015 from its initial appearance in a Tweet to its reproduction in national and international media and on social media – a field which also includes the many memes which it engendered. The authors describe how the photograph became part of a heated debate on immigration policies and media ethics and suggest different academic fields in which the material can be studies such as political science and media studies. They investigate a selection of sources and give an insight into how these were collected by Netarkivet as part of the library’s obligation under the Legal Deposit Act and thereby give an insight into the different methods for finding and collecting material form the internet. Finally they describe how commonly known referencing practices are insufficient when it comes to Web archive materials in general and point to a newly suggested referencing practice with Persistent Web IDentifiers (PWID) which enable researchers to create precise and persistent references to web archive resources. The research was carried out partly to secure that the material was saved and available to researchers, partly to investigate and contribute to the methods to collect as well as cite digital cultural heritage and finally to inform researchers about the resources of Netarkivet and the way one can work academically with material in the archive.Periode | 5 mar. 2020 |
Begivenhedstitel | Lancering af Fund og Forskning. Bind 58 : Tema: Samling og forskning |
Begivenhedstype | Andet |
Placering | København, DanmarkVis på kort |
Grad af anerkendelse | Lokal |