Michel Sittow's Portrait of Christian II of Denmark: Its Genesis and History. Technical research

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The portrait of the Danish King Christian II in the Statens Museum for Kunst collection has in the past been the subject of different hypotheses regarding its origin and dating. The painting, executed on top of another portrait, has been examined by various methods of technical investigation. Dendrochronology, cross section analysis, XRF, SEM-EDS, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, more recently supplemented by hyperspectral imaging and macro XRF, have yielded new information on the materials and stratigraphy of both paintings and led to a better understanding of their genesis. In addition, results of the investigation have suggested why the panel with a pre-existing portrait was recycled as the support for the current image.
Periode15 sep. 2018
BegivenhedstitelStories of MIchel Sittow's Life and Art: Facts and Fables: Facts and Fables
PlaceringTallinn, EstlandVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational