
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


Digital and attractive - potential of digital offers for museums

Accelerated by the corona pandemic, museums are increasingly offering a wide variety of digital access to their content. We ask to what extent virtual exhibitions, gamification apps, podcasts etc. affect the museum as an institution. Do digital offers make museums more attractive to their users? And how do museums view the potential of digital offers?
We take a look into practice and discuss these and other questions with our guests: Which new approaches enable virtual exhibitions and apps? Are museums reaching new groups of visitors? To what extent do virtual offers strengthen participation and inclusion? Do digital offers contradict the authenticity of the original? What do museums need in order to develop further digital offerings in the future? And how will a visit to the museum look like in the future?
Periode17 nov. 2021
PlaceringKöln, Tyskland, Nordrhein-WestfalenVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • museums
  • digital
  • corona
  • virtual
  • exhibition
  • covid-19