Experts meeting on the cleaning of unpainted plaster cast sculpture

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


he Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Statens Museum for Kunst, and Thorvaldsens Museum, in Copenhagen, Denmark, are joining forces to implement an "Expert Meeting" to provide a much needed exchange of knowledge concerning methods used explicitly for the cleaning of unpainted plaster sculptures.
Despite progress in treatments and knowledge of the material, the cleaning of plaster sculpture has remained an enigma. There is a continued need for an exchange of knowledge and thorough scientific research to qualify proposed cleaning methods. This expert meeting aims at continuing the discussion.
The expert meeting will identify modern cleaning methods, including their efficiency, method of use, as well as their aesthetic effect and their lasting effect on the surface (casting skin) of the plaster. All invited speakers will be asked to address a specific subject related to a cleaning method, and will be requested to qualify their method with, if available, scientific research, and a demonstration with full documentation and willingness to share information.
Periode8 maj 20179 maj 2017
PlaceringKøbenhavn, DanmarkVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • plaster casts, cleaning, rensning, gips, internatinal samarbejder, unpainted