Community Involvement in Theme Museums

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


Set art free, and the rest will follow? Facilitation as key to successful user engagement For more than 5 years, SMK has been working towards releasing our digitized collections in the Public Domain. This has been a long and winding process, and we’re far from done yet. But so far, we offer 25,000 images for free download. Open access to our collections, however, is just a prerequisite. Setting art free does not necessarily entail new and rewarding forms of re-use, if people aren’t aware of the resource, or don’t know what to do with it. In my talk, I will address facilitation as a necessary consequence of openness, and let you in on some of the things we are doing at SMK to facilitate re-use that help our users do great things with their cultural heritage. This includes interventions in urban space, remix exhibitions, and Wiki Labs.
Periode2 sep. 2015
PlaceringTallinn, EstlandVis på kort


  • openglam
  • museums
  • education
  • wikipedia
  • community
  • involvement